Contact Us

For more information on the Pearl Street church of Christ

please contact us at:

330 Pearl Street

PO Box 380

Lynchburg, OH 45142

513-375-9992 (Paul’s cell phone. Please leave a message if I am unable to answer.)

3 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Just a tad of info. I was born in Lynchburg 57 years ago on the 18th current, more important I am a member of the body. My family ( the Leonard’s) moved to Fla when I was but five. We did visit from time to time. But I stopped when I became of age, my brothers and sister visited because the were old enought to have had friends there, I was not. Finally the point, I do our bulletin and have used yours for fillers Thoughts / Humor. But I have used all that you have posted, it appears you have stopped posting any

    1. Joe,
      I am pleased that you were able to benefit from our web page and the posted bulletins. When Covid hit it played havoc with much of our daily lives and Church functions. Unfortunately, one thing that suffered the most was our web page. I am in the process of getting it back up and running and hope to have recent bulletins posted soon. I invite you to also look at our Facebook page where we have various posts that could possibly be used for bulletin filler. May the Lord bless you in your Christian walk and service to the Lord’s Church.
      Paul Carpenter
      Minister, Pearl Street church of Christ

    2. Joe,
      I am pleased that you were able to benefit from our web page and the posted bulletins. When Covid hit it played havoc with much of our daily lives and Church functions. Unfortunately, one thing that suffered the most was our web page. I am in the process of getting it back up and running and hope to have recent bulletins posted soon. I invite you to also look at our Facebook page where we have various posts that could possibly be used for bulletin filler. May the Lord bless you in your Christian walk and service to the Lord’s Church.
      Paul Carpenter
      Minister, Pearl Street church of Christ

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