Event Room

We are currently in the process of developing a room in our basement that will be available to the community for hosting various events. The events could range from birthday parties to various club meetings to commemorative assemblies to practically anything. Once the room is finished you will be able to come to this page to request use of the room.

The Church’s Mission and Facilities Use
Decisions concerning use of church facilities, i.e., buildings and properties, will be guided by the fact that they have been dedicated to worship, Christian education, community service, and related activities. In addition to providing space for its own activities and members, Pearl Street Church of Christ, PSCC offers meeting and activity space to organizations and groups which serve the needs and interests of the community and whose purposes and goals are consistent with the doctrines, beliefs, and social principles of the Pearl Street Church of Christ. Permission to use facilities may be granted to the following organizations, groups, and individuals in the following priority order:
>Regularly-scheduled services and meetings of official groups and organizations that are either a part of or sponsored by the PSCC; weddings, wedding receptions, funerals, and special family occasions (i.e., 50th wedding anniversary receptions) of PSCC members.
>Other church groups and ecumenical organizations; weddings and funerals of non-members.
>Community service organizations which are non-profit and non-political in nature.
>Support or self-help groups which are non-profit and non-political in nature.
> Profit-making organizations and individuals whose purpose for the building usage requested are non-profit and non-political in nature.

Scheduling Facilities Use
All requests to schedule use of church facilities must be submitted in appropriate written form to the church office and/or Facilities Ministry.
General Policies
>The use of decorations, the changing/moving of furniture (other than folding tables and chairs), the attachment of materials to the walls, etc., shall be done only with prior written approval of the Trustees.
>No permanent or temporary structure will be built anywhere on church premises. This includes, without limitation, such structures as platforms or devices that attach to the floor, wall or ceiling, or those that may damage coverings.
>Publicity material and public service announcements in which PSCC name is used must have prior approval of the Trustees.
>Dining or the serving of food is restricted to pre-approved designated areas.
>Groups and organizations are to confine their activities to the room, area or land that has been assigned to them. Hallways are only to be used for access and are not meeting or program areas. Entrance to the Worship area is not permitted.
>Adequate supervision to insure participants do not interfere with other activities and groups using church facilities simultaneously is required.
>Use of church facilities shall conform to city fire and safety ordinances.
>The participation of children or youth in church facilities usage will be governed by provisions of PSCC Safety policy.
>The following are NOT permitted on church property or in church buildings:

  1. Possession or use of alcoholic beverages
  2. Possession or use of illegal drugs;
  3. Illegal possession or any use of tobacco in any form inside the building; 4. Possession or use of weapons of any description;
  4. Printed materials that violate provisions of the PSCC Discipline regarding inappropriate sexually explicit or offensive materials.
    Equipment, furniture and supplies belonging to PSCC are intended for use at church facilities.
    However, at the discretion of the Trustees, an exception may be made for loan of a reasonable number of folding tables and chairs to PSCC members for use at their home for a special family event.

Additional Policy Provisions for Non-PSCC Groups/Users
>Pearl Street Church of Christ events and programs have priority over any and all outside groups and organizations requesting use of church facilities.
>Non-PSCC groups are responsible for their own set up and clean up of the facilities being used. This must be accomplished during the timeframe of the scheduled event. Groups using the church facilities are responsible for leaving the facility as they found it or directed by PSCC.
>Non-PSCC groups are responsible for removing all trash from the church premises following the event.

Fees for Facility Use (Non-Members*)
The Event Room
$ .0 1 – 50 People, up to 4 hours. $25 for each additional hour * for a maximum of 6 hours.
(*There is no fee for use by a PSCC member; however, donations towards building use expenses are accepted and appreciated.)

In the event of an emergency during off-hours, contact Gary Niehaus 513-519-5783_____________

Adopted by PSCC Facilities on,